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When did you decide to become an educator?

In college, I participated in a tutoring program where I was paired up with a student for three years. We connected instantly and I soon began working with his closest friend. We met multiple times each week and remain in touch to this day. I became committed to working with youth then, and discovered my lifelong passion to help children of all backgrounds reach their full potential and become united together.

How has your background influenced your decision to become an educator?

I come from a family of educators with strong values. My mom has been a career teacher and administrator – she’s been leading the same school in New York City for nearly 20 years. My older sister is a teacher and my younger sister is an artist who has often taught and integrated education into her professional work. My dad was a constant presence at my school growing up. Through my family, I learned the importance of hard work, integrity, honesty, and caring about others to reach our dreams. I believe education has the power to teach us all of those important lessons, so we can each reach our own potential and strengthen the bonds among us.

Biography of Mark Kleger-Heine

As the Executive Director of the Los Angeles region, Mark Kleger-Heine supports our Hollywood, Silver Lake and Mar Vista campuses and is leading the effort to open a new CWC LA school in 2020. Together, these campuses currently enroll approximately 1,900 students.

Mark is a former teacher who spent his career working in community-based and education-related nonprofit organizations. In 2007, he helped found the Partnership for Los Angeles Schools with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, which focused on turning around the historically lowest performing schools in the city. He served as the group’s Chief Operating Officer for seven years and helped grow the organization into a network of 16 schools serving over 14,000 students. Under Mark’s leadership, the Partnership schools were the highest improving of any District in the state, and saw graduation rates nearly double from 36 to 70 percent.

Mark also led the Partnership’s work to scale best practices throughout the entire District. Among other major accomplishments, Mark led the Partnership’s implementation of the landmark Reed v. State of CA lawsuit that protected teachers from inequitable layoffs, resulting in a District-wide settlement agreement and statewide precedent.

Prior to the Partnership, Mark was a management consultant for nearly four years with McKinsey & Company, where he counseled senior executives in nonprofit, government, advocacy and health care organizations on major strategic issues.  During his tenure at McKinsey, Mark helped develop a strategic plan for Mayor Villaraigosa’s education initiatives.

Prior to McKinsey, Mark was the Deputy Director of Project GRAD Los Angeles in the northeast San Fernando Valley.  He also has worked in several community-based nonprofit organizations that collaborate with public schools, and he began his career teaching math to 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th graders in Brooklyn, New York. Mark graduated summa cum laude from Yale University with a degree in Psychology.  He is a graduate of the Broad Residency, received an MBA from Columbia Business School and an MPA from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University with a concentration in Domestic Policy.

“The foundation of our country is education. It is only through education that children can reach their full potential, a diverse group of people can learn to work positively together, and our world can develop cohesive communities.” – Mark Kleger-Heine

Preguntas y Respuestas

¿Cuando decidiste en ser un educador?

En la universidad, participé en un programa de tutoría donde yo estaba emparejado con un estudiante durante tres años. Nos conectamos al instante y pronto empezamos a trabajar con su amigo más cercano. Nos reunimos varias veces cada semana y permanecimos en contacto hasta el día de hoy. Me comprometi desde entonces a trabajar con la juventud, y descubrí mi pasión de toda la vida para ayudar a los niños de todos los orígenes a alcanzar su máximo potencial y estar unidos.

¿Cómo ha influido tu trasfondo en la decisión de convertirte en un educador?

Vengo de una familia de educadores con valores fuertes. Mi mamá ha sido profesor de carrera y administrador – que ha dirigido la misma escuela en la ciudad de Nueva York por casi 20 años. Mi hermana mayor es maestra y mi hermana menor es un artista que ha enseñado e integrado educación dentro de su trabajo profesional. Mi padre era una presencia constante en mi escuela durante mi crecimiento. A través de mi familia, aprendí la importancia del trabajo duro, la integridad, la honestidad y el cuidado por los demás para alcanzar nuestros sueños. Creo que la educación tiene el poder para enseñarnos todas esas lecciones importantes, para que podamos llegar a cada uno nuestro propio potencial y fortalecer los lazos entre nosotros.

Biografía y Cita

Como el director ejecutivo de la región de Los Angeles, Mark Kleger-Heine apoya a nuestras escuelas de Hollywood, Silver Lake y Mar Vista y está liderando el esfuerzo para abrir la primera escuela secundaria de CWC LA en el otoño de 2015. En conjunto, estos campus se inscribirán aproximadamente a 1,300 estudiantes.

Mark es un profesor retirado que pasó su carrera trabajando en organizaciones no lucrativas relacionadas con la educación, basada en la comunidad. En 2007, ayudó a fundar la Alianza para las Escuelas de Los Ángeles con el alcalde Antonio Villaraigosa, que se enfocó en convertir escuelas que históricamente tienen más bajo rendimiento en la ciudad. Se desempeñó como director de operaciones del grupo en los últimos siete años, y ayudó al crecimiento de la organización en una red de 16 escuelas que atienden a más de 14.000 estudiantes. Bajo el liderazgo de Mark, las escuelas de la Alianza tuvieron un mejoramiento más alto de cualquier distrito en el estado, y el número de graduados de High School tuvo un incremento del doble de un 36 al 70%.

Entre otros logros importantes, Mark condujo en La Alianza para Escuelas de Los Angeles, la implementación de la de la demanda histórica Reed vs. el Estado de CA que protegía a los maestros de los despidos injustos, dando lugar a un acuerdo de solución en todo el Distrito y a un precedente estatal.

“El fundamento de nuestro país es la educación. Es sólo a través de la educación que los niños puedan alcanzar su pleno potencial, la gente puede aprender a trabajar de manera positiva, con un grupo diverso, y nuestro mundo puede desarrollar comunidades unidas. “- Mark Kleger-Heine

마크 클레거하이네와의 Q&A

Los Angeles 지역의 상임이사이신 Mark Kleger-Heine은 Hollywood, Silver Lake 및 Mar Vista 캠퍼스를 지원하고 있으며 2020년에 새로운 CWC LA 학교를 개교하여 이 캠퍼스에 대략 1,900명의 학생이 입학하였습니다.

Mark는 지역 사회 및 교육 관련 비영리 단체에서 경력을 쌓은 전직 교사입니다. 그는 2007년에 Antonio Villaraigosa 시장과 함께  LA시 역사상 가장 학업성적이 낮은 학교들을 개선하는데 초점을 맞춘 Partnership for Los Angeles School 를 창립하는데 기여 하였습니다. Mark는 7년간 그룹의 최고 운영 책임자 (COO)로 근무했으며 14,000명 이상의 학생에게 서비스를 제공하는 16개 학교의 네트워크로 조직을 확장시키는데 일조했습니다. Mark의 지도력에 Partnerships 학교는 주 내 모든 교육구 중 가장 개선된 학교였으며 졸업률이 36%에서 70 %로 거의 두배에 가깝게 성장했습니다.

Mark는 파트너십 사업이 지구 전체에서 모범 사례를 확장하도록 이끌었습니다. 그가 이룬 많은 성과중에, Reed v. State of CA 소송을 주도하여 불공평 한 해고로부터 교사를 보호하여 교육구 차원의 합의안과 주 전체 판결을 이끌었습니다.

Mark는 파트너쉽 전에 4년동안 McKinsey & amp 회사에서 주요 전략적 문제에 대해 비영리 단체, 정부, 옹호 단체 및 보건 단체의 고위 임원들에게 자문 역할을 했습니다 McKinsey에서 재임하는 동안 Villarigosa 시장의 교육 이니셔티브에 대한 전략적 계획을 수립하는 것을 도왔습니다.

McKinsey 이전에는 San Fernando Valley 동북부의 GRAD Los Angeles 프로젝트 담당 디렉터로 지냈습니다. 그는 또한 공립 학교와 공동으로 활동하는 여러 커뮤니티 기반 비영리 단체에서 근무했으며, 뉴욕의 Brooklyn 에 있는 4, 6, 8, 9 학년 학생들에게 수학 교육을 시작했습니다. Mark는 Yale대에서 심리학 학위를 취득하고, Broad Residency를 졸업했으며, Columbia Business School 에서 MBA를 마친후 Princeton Woodrow Wilson School 에서 국내정책을 전공으로 MPA 학위를 받았습니다.

”우리 나라의 기초는 교육입니다. 교육을 통해서만 어린이들이 최대한의 잠재력을 발휘할수 있고 긍정적이고 다양한 사람들과 함께 긍정적으로 일 할수있는 방법을 배우며 우리는 응집력있는 지역 사회를 형성 할수 있습니다.”

– Mark Kleger-Heine